CVRTC Open House
Date: Saturday, August 24th, 2024
Time: 10:00-2:00
Location: Fernald Station, Wolfeboro, NH - 64 Governor Wentworth Highway, Wolfeboro, NH
Free Admission
About the Open House
The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club of Wolfeboro, NH would like to invite
the public to our open house at Fernald Station, 64 Governor Wentworth
Highway in Wolfeboro. The event is designed to give the public an
opportunity to meet with members to discover more about CVRTC, railroad
preservation and the railroad motorcar hobby. Visitors will be able to
tour the restored former Wolfeboro Railroad engine house, train station,
and working railroad maintenance of way equipment. Free rides will be
provided in member owned railroad motorcars on a section of the former
Wolfeboro Railroad. CVRTC, a non profit organization founded in 1992,
currently maintains the 11 mile line, which is currently designated as a
"rail with trail corridor" where railcar hobbyists, runners, bikers, and
snowmobilers can equally enjoy access to the stunning scenery of the Lakes
The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc. began in the summer of 1992 when
a group of New England rail car owners joined with a group of local railroad
enthusiasts in Wolfeboro, NH. Together they obtained permission from the
State of New Hampshire to operate rail cars and to maintain the former
Wolfeboro Railroad including structures. The refurbished former Fernald
Station, is now used as the Club's meeting place.
This collection of railway motor car enthusiasts and volunteers have
joined together to preserve railroad property and equipment relating to the
use of railway motorcars and have kept alive the skills and experiences of
the railroad workers who once used these vehicles in maintaining railroad
lines around the world.
CVRTC currently maintains 17 miles of rail owned by the State of New
Hampshire. The two rail-lines are the Wolfeboro-Sanbornville, NH branch
line, no longer used by the railroad and known as the Cotton Valley Trail,
and a portion of the Ossipee Branch between Rt. 28 and Rt.16.
Light refreshments including drinks, water and hot dogs will be available. We usually have CVRTC apparel for
sale throughout the event. CVRTC is a not-for-profit organization. Donations are graciously accepted.

- From Conway/Berlin/Portland - North
Take Rt 16 south to Ossipee. At the intersection of Rt. 16/Rt. 28 take Rt 28 South towards Wolfeboro. At the flashing yellow light intersection with Rt. 109 take a left, the CVRTC engine house will be 1/4 mile on your left.
- From Rochester/Portsmouth/Boston - South
Take Rt 16 North towards Wakefield. At the traffic signal with Rt. 109 in Wakefield, take a left towards Wolfeboro. After 8.7 miles, the CVRTC engine house will be on your right.
- From Alton/Concord/Laconia - South
Take Rt 11 or Rt 28 to the Alton Traffic Circle. Continue through the circle on Rt. 28 north towards Wolfeboro. Entering downtown Wolfeboro keep right onto Rt.28/Rt.109 North. Travel 3.2 miles to the flashing yellow light intersection with Rt. 109 and take a right. The CVRTC engine house will be 1/4 mile on your left.
Using GPS in your car?
Closest intersection is Governor Wentworth Highway & Fernald Crossing in Wolfeboro, NH
For More Information please contact:
Bruce Stuart, CVRTC President
Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.