Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club

Established in 1992
NARCOA Affiliate since 2014

LEGAL NOTICE: Operation of railway equipment, including motorcars, is governed by Federal, State and Railroad authorities. All rail property is owned by someone.  Operation of any equipment on or around railroad property is only permitted with permission of the property owner or leasor.  CVRTC will assist local, State, and Federal authorities in prosecuting illegal operators of railway equipment. 

The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club is an association of railway motorcar enthusiasts dedicated to preserving motorcar history and right-of-way maintenance through active operation and stewardship.
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Clearing Trees in Wolfeboro

(December 2, 2013) Sam, Clif and Leroy patrolled to the Miss Wakefield Diner today; specifically to take care of a big downed tree out past Cotton Valley Crossing. They found a few other surprises along the way including a big oak just past Bryant Road. There are some other "leaners" to be concerned about, and the crew stopped on the way back and picked up the picnic table and brought it back to the enginehouse. (JWM)

NEGS Work Ride

(November 24, 2013) Five members braved the cold weather for a day on the rails. The group patrolled all the way to C22, felling a large leaner to clear the line for a future equipment move. The strong winds brought down more trees, and five more blowdowns had to be cleared on the way back south. To the left, the group stopped at McDonalds for hot coffee and lunch! (JWM)

November Meeting

(November 10, 2013) Twenty-seven members were present at the November meeting. In the old Fernald Station, the Board of Directors held a short 30 minute meeting before the general meeting. Topics of membership and trail maintenance activity were covered. The general meeting began shortly after 10:00 AM where Bruce Stuart covered the agenda for the day. Many members were impressed with the new mower rig loaded with "Yankee Ingenuity". The machine has already been used to mow the east and west end of the line. It cuts an 18 foot wide path on the ROW with its long sickle bar. This greatly improves the sight lines for all trail users year round. The engine house was prepared for season shutdown. There will be a BOD meeting in January or February before the annual season opener meeting in March. (SPM)

NEGS Work Ride

(October 26, 2013) Five members and guests spent a crisp October day working along the White Mountain Branch. We cleared sightlines around mileposts and crossings. In the picture, the crew is working around milepost "C1", just outside Concord, and within sight of the former Page Belting company. This section of track was relocated, allowing for the development of Horseshoe Pond, and the Grapone Center. (JWM)

October Meeting

(October 13, 2013) About two dozen members and guests attended the October meeting. After a brief meeting, and updates on the trail conditions and upcoming efforts, a group of eight members headed out to patol to the diner. The sink hole was filled in, and the stop sign at Byrant Road was stood back up. A large amount of stone dust has been delivered at the end of the line, and in the process the State's end of track sign was snapped off. Be aware as you approach the end of the line that the sign is no longer there! (JWM)

Family Day

(September 8, 2013) Food must be ready... everyone is headed toward the enginehouse to grab a hotdog, burger, or chicken sandwich. Follow that up with coleslaw, potato salad, and several desserts! Great day for a meeting, 44 members and guests attended. After lunch people headed out for a ride on the line. (JWM)

New England Southern Work Ride

(August 24, 2013) Great day, and a SAFE day on the rails. From front to back, Jon, Peter, Ron and Clif did some light trimming. Here, they're picking up brush left by the State's trimmer, and improving the sight lines around MP C9, just south of Canterbury, NH. (JWM)

August Meeting

(August 11, 2013) Fernald Station; Two dozen members and guests were present for the Club's August meeting. Pictured are Ron, Jon, and Clif's trackcars as they get ready to patrol the line after the meeting. (JWM)

Open House at Union

(August 10, 2013) Several members had their trackcars on display at the Union, NH station. This restored station is on the Ossipee Line, next to active trackage used by the New Hampshire Northcoast Railroad. The former freighthouse now houses an HO Scale (1/87th) layout depicting the local stations. (JWM)

NEGS Work Ride

(July 28, 2013) Great day on the New England Southern. Nine members and guests worked to cut brush in several locations. Pictured to the far left is the Merrimack River bridge after the brush was cleared from the approaches, and a group picture as the group clears the brush from the east side of the track at Boyce. We patrolled 42 miles of track, and to the delight of the guys in the open cars, the rain held off! (JWM)

Thomas the Tank Engine Go-Go Tour

(July 20, 2013) This was second weekend of entertaining Thomas the Tank Engine fans up at North Conway. This had to be the hottest weekend ever! In this picture, taken on Saturday, we see John, Jon, Russ and the Mahr's trackcars. Cranmore ski area is in the background! The station looks empty, Thomas must be headed down to Hussy Farm, and the other train off to Bartlett. (JWM)

July Meeting at Fernald

(July 14, 2013) About a dozen members attended the July meeting, with an equal number up in North Conway supporting the Conway Scenic Railroad. After the meeting some members headed into town, while Jon and Tom headed to the diner for lunch, then trimmed mileposts on the return trip. (JWM)

Working on the White Mountain Branch

(June 22, 2013) The day after the Summer Soltice and the longest daylight of the year, we hosted the longest and best attended work ride this year. Seven trackcars, fifteen members, forty-four miles round-trip, and one meet with the southbound NEGS train. Most importantly we had a SAFE day and got a lot of trimming done. On behalf of New England Southern, Jon extends a big THANKS to everyone who attended.

Dave captured the colorful group just north of the Sewells Falls crossing, just as they started working on the sight-lines. (JWM)

June Meeting

(June 9, 2013) Again, a good crew showed up for some early morning trimming and mowing on the west end,

Nearly twenty members and guests were present for the meeting, with a similar sized group up at Conway Scenic.

Roy's photo captures the group inside the enginehouse. (JWM)

Wolfeboro Report

(May 26, 2013) Jessie reports that the recent rains have produced high water along the line, but not yet on the rail. He also found one tree down east of Bryant Road, and took care of several leaners. (JWM)

New England Southern Work Ride

(May 25, 2013) Brief day on the rails today, after meeting at the seton location and discussing the weather we decided to chance it. We took care of the heavy trimming between MP3 and MP4, and patrolling to Sewells Falls Road and back. To the right, Jon snaps a quick picture of Pete and Clif, before moving TC-42 ahead. The weather held for the most part, with the heaviest spinkles falling as the group setoff. (JWM)

May Meeting

(May 19, 2013) A good crew showed up for some early morning trimming on the west end, preping the right of way for some mowing. The crew discovered a pile of gravel partially blocking a crossing, but Colin and Conner had already cleared enough of the pile so trackcars could get by. Thanks guys!

Twenty two members and guests were present for the meeting, including two new members. Bruce, our newly elected President, outlined his ideas for trailwork, especially thanking everyone for their efforts.

After the meeting, members headed out both to mow the west end, and patrol east. Jon, David and Pete headed for lunch at the Miss Wakefield Diner, and proactively cleared several "leaners". Due to the lack of rainfall, the beaver ponds were quite low. (JWM)

New England Southern

(April 27, 2013) Today was opening day for the White Mountain Branch. Fourteen members, guests, and railroad officals patrolled the line. Several trees had come down under the weight of the winter snow, and grade crossings flangeways had to be cleared out. To the left, Jon took a shot of the crew at the Merrimack River bridge. The hopper car was left on the bridge to block snowmobilers. From right to left... Roy, Chi, Frank, Peter, Jim, Jeff, Pete, Diane, Leroy, David, Linda, Clif and Norm. To our delight, the Dipsy Doodle was open for lunch! We had a safe day on the rails, and it was great to see everyone on the rails. (JWM)

Opening Day at Fernald

(April 14, 2013) Roy reports "It was overcast and cool but we had a good crowd at the meeting." Thirty-three members attended. Primary discussion was about the extention of the walking trail from Cotton Valley, east to NH-16. Gator and Deborah have made a beautiful picnic table to replace the old one out on the line. Linda donated a lawnmower that can used around the enginehouse. All the Club signs were put back up on the enginehouse, and members moved all the equipment was moved outside so the enginehouse could be given a spring cleaning. Annual maintenance work was done on the backhoe and other trail maintenance equipment. Members cleaned up leaves, and inspected rail heads and flangeways at grade crossings for sand, or any other winter snow plowing damage. Everyone was eager to get back out on the rails! (JWM)

Spring Comes to New Hampshire

(April 6, 2013) Jon reports that he swung by Mountain View and Fernald on his way from the Conway Scenic Railroad Rules Class. Spring has come, and the snow and ice are slowly receeding, revealing the ribbons of rails hidden below. The first picture is taken looking north at Mountain View, the passenger station is located just over the photographer's right shoulder. The former grain building (O.L. & C.A. White ?) still stands. This track is the former B&M Conway Branch. Next, Jon swings by Fernald, noting there is still ice and snow over the enginehouse leads. Fernald is on the former Wolfeboro Branch. Both lines are maintained by Cotton Valley members, and available for use at any time. Hopefully the warm New Hampshire days will be good for maple syrup and clearing the lines! (JWM)

Annual Business Meeting

(March 10, 2013) Roy reports that roughly 34 members attended the Annual Business Meeting. Newly elected officers are Bruce Stuart (President) and Dennis Heffernan (Membership Sec), while Leroy Tripp, Russell Hoyt and Doug Zukowski were elected as Directors. (JWM)

Annual Business Meeting

(March 10, 2013) Roy reports that the 2013 Renewal forms are in the mail. Dues for this year is $30.

Roy is retiring as Membership Secretary after 10 years and so will not be on the Ballot for re-election. If you are interested in being the Membership Secretary please let him know and your name will be added to the Ballot. Presently, one member is interested in the position.

As you will see in the Renewal letter Ron is retiring as President, and also there is an unfilled opening for a Director, and there could be a couple more openings depending on who we elect to fill these positions.

In the past we have almost always re-elected the present management to continue on with their operation of the club. This time we will need some new candidates to step forward and serve. If you can be one of these individuals and would like your name on the Ballot, email me at by Friday March 8. (JWM)

Forms Updated

(Feburary 24, 2013) New Membership and Roster forms are now available. See the Membership Page to download the forms. (JWM)

New Website In Progress!

(Feburary 19, 2013) Working on a new design for this year... same look on the front, but easier to manage behind the scenes! (JWM)

Roof Work Needed

(Feburary 14, 2013) Two weeks ago, during a wind storm, the left front part of the roof was blown off the rafters and left a large hole in the roof. The roofing material is still on the roof, only folded up at a 90 degree angle. Bruce, Leroy, and I braved the snow this morning and met at the engine house to nail the roof down. Bruce did all the work, I held the ladder, and Leroy gave his moral support. The roof is fixed for the rest of the Winter, but will have to be looked at in the Spring to make further repairs.
Dave provides two pictures of the enginehouse roof, taken before the repairs were made. (JWM)

Wind Damage

(Feburary 7, 2013) Dave reports that he was up in Wolfeboro today and swung by the engine house. He wanted a before and after picture of all the snow. After looking at the engine house he noticed the roof didn't look right. (JWM)

Winter at Fernald

(January 12, 2013) Jesse provides this picture of the snow softly falling on the depot at Fernald. (JWM)

See the archives for postings from 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025

Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 417
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

©2003 Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.