Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club

Established in 1992
NARCOA Affiliate since 2014

LEGAL NOTICE: Operation of railway equipment, including motorcars, is governed by Federal, State and Railroad authorities. All rail property is owned by someone.  Operation of any equipment on or around railroad property is only permitted with permission of the property owner or leasor.  CVRTC will assist local, State, and Federal authorities in prosecuting illegal operators of railway equipment. 

The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club is an association of railway motorcar enthusiasts dedicated to preserving motorcar history and right-of-way maintenance through active operation and stewardship.
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November Meeting

(November 8, 2015) The motorcar season in Wolfeboro has drawn to a close. The usual items were crossed off the list to prepare the engine house and station for winter. The sign was removed from the front of the engine house. A motion was passed to address the pine trees overhanging the Fernald Station. Two new members also joined us for the last meeting of the year. Thanks to Clif for installing a solar powered lighting system at Fernald Station. We can now fly Old Glory 24 hours a day. After the meeting a contingent of ten members proceeded toward a private crossing near Mast Landing to repair a broken rail. Roy provided the cutting torch and Bruce, our Trailmaster, provided the labor. Others pulled out some old timbers that made up the ancient crossing and new clean gravel fill was put in its place. After a few hours the gauge was brought back in and both the club and the owner of the private crossing were very pleased. (SPM)

New England Southern Railroad

(October 18, 2015) It was a frosty morning, but the sun was out and by seton time it had warmed up. Thanks to James, Clif, Ron, Frank, Tom, and Jon for coming out today. The crew patrolled the southern-most 17 miles of the White Mountain Branch, and performing some vegatation management. The crew even saw some snow during lunch... Jon is hoping for some good weather in November so he can schedule "just one more" ride this year. (JWM)

October Meeting

(October 11, 2015) Great day for a quick meeting... and a ride out to the diner. Fall foliage was peaking. Ron, Jon, Frank and his guests headed out to the diner. Finding the parking lot full.. Ron and Jon headed back, while Frank and his guests stayed for lunch. Heading back west, they met Hank and his guests.

Great fall colors, and the line was in good condition! (JWM)

Joint Meeting

(September 26, 2015) Great day for a joint meeting with the Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society. The day started with a quick introduction and Safety Briefing, then a short ride out to Cotton Valley while the grill heated up.

After lunch the group headed out to ride the entire line. (JWM)

Crawford Notch Run

(September 19, 2015) After our set-on and safety briefing given by Paul Hallett, operations manager of the Conway Scenic Railroad, we headed out on our patrol to Hazans at 8:00am. Without a doubt we had gorgeous weather on our trip, beautiful skies, a very slight breeze and warm temperatures the whole day, and let us not forget an accident free day.The picture of the group was taken at the Hattie Evans memorial on our return trip. If you every get a chance to read the book "LIFE BY THE TRACKS", it is a wonderful read about the Evans family years in the Willard house. Dave would like to thank all of you once again for making this trip possible by helping at the "Thomas the Tank Engine" and "Railfan Day" events, and to the CSRR for letting us ride the rails. See you in the spring for our second Notch ride. Regards to all. (JWM)

CSRR Railfan Day

(September 5, 2015) Arthur and Jon went up to the Conway Scenic Railroad to support their Railfans Day. With the handcar, they showed off roughly 80 years of evolution. Great weather, a fun crowd, and now only two weeks until we run up through Crawford Notch. (JWM)

New England Southern Railroad

(August 29, 2015) Today was a great day for a work ride on the White Mountain Branch. The six car crew set on at West Portsmouth Street (845416A) and patrolled north, clearing sight lines at each milepost. To improve safety, by spreading the crew out (ie, less people with power equipment working in the same spot) the crew was divided into two teams, and divided up the even and odd mileposts. Another benefit is that each team got to travel two miles between work sites. (JWM)

Concord Model Railroad Club Show

(August 23, 2015) Clif and James displayed their trackcars at the Concord Model Railroad Club's 30th Annual Show. (JWM)

August Membership Meeting

(August 9, 2015) Good turnout of members, about 25, for today's meeting. The sky was a little dark at first, with a drop or two of rain, but the weather turned out to be mostly sunny. The rail-trail was fairly busy today... with at least one lady stopping to tell us how much she appriciates our Club's efforts to maintain the entire trail.

After the meeting, Bruce, Sean, and Jon went west with the hy-rail sickle mower; while Pete and Roy took their cars east toward the diner. The crew almost made it back with the mower, but fouled plugs on the main engine. Jon pulled it back to Fernald with his MT14.

We've got a busy month ahead of us... check the calendar for upcoming events! (JWM)

New England Southern

(August 1, 2015) Quick track patrol this morning. We pulled up alot of the creaping vines and Concord grapes. Patrolled up to Canterbury, then ate lunch at the crew picnic table. Due to the expected hot temperatures, we planned a short day. From left to right, we see Tom, Jon, Frank, Pete (sitting) and David.

We've developed a very good relationship with the New England Southern Railroad; our work ethic and safety record makes us a valuable asset maintaining this State of NH owned corridor. (JWM)

Thomas the Tank Engine

(July 26, 2015) All went well on the second week of Thomas. Despite weather, another good crowd.

We started giving rides around 9:30 AM and ran till 4:30 PM each day. Except for lunch, all four cars ran nonstop carrying full cars of Thomas fans.

Once again, Thank you to all the people that helped out for these two weekends. (JWM)

Thomas the Tank Engine

(July 19, 2015) All went well on the first week of Thomas. With the CSRR running Thomas as well as an extra Percy train this year, there seemed to be more people on the grounds.

We started giving rides around 9:30 AM and ran till 4:30 PM each day. Except for lunch, all four cars ran nonstop carrying full cars of Thomas fans.

Once again, Thank you to the people that helped out this past week and to our members who will be helping out next week. (DK)

New England Southern Work Ride

(June 27, 2015) After setting on in Canterbury, the crew patrolled to Winnisquam, surveying the trimming that had to be done on the return trip. These very rails used to host the Allouette as it ran between Montreal and Boston as a joint B&M and CP train. In the picture, from left to right: Ron, Tom, Frank, Nancy, James, Clif, Roy and Pete. Jon is behind the camera! Picture was taken just south of the NH-3 crossing, and the Winnisquam station is to the left of the picture. (JWM)

June Meeting

(June 14, 2015) The Club held it's June meeting under sunny skies. We discussed upcoming events and work to be done on the rail cooridors. One project will be the removal of the leaning pine trees, (in the treeline, above Ron's car) which are leaning over the Fernald station. We're also working on the interior of the station. (JWM)

Annual Meeting

(March 8, 2015) The Club's Annual Meeting and Election of Officers will be held on Sunday March 8th at the Lake Shore Park Club House in Lake Shore Park, Gilford NH. (The address is 2600 Lake Shore Road Gilford NH 03249). Park in front of the club house or up behind the club house. Pancakes, coffee, juice, and donuts will be served, starting at 8:30 AM. (JWM)

Board of Directors Meeting

(February 14, 2015) The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club Board of Directors met at Dave Kotsonis', club treasurer, recently. The three hour meeting covered a lot of ground. Many items such as membership, trail work, grants and safety were discussed. The board also voted to renew its NARCOA Affiliate membership. The minutes will be published shortly. The traditional March meeting will be held at a new venue. Stay tuned for the announcement on the Yahoo Group or a call from Dennis, the Membership Secretary (JWM)

See the archives for postings from 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025

Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 417
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

©2003 Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.