Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club

Established in 1992
NARCOA Affiliate since 2014

LEGAL NOTICE: Operation of railway equipment, including motorcars, is governed by Federal, State and Railroad authorities. All rail property is owned by someone.  Operation of any equipment on or around railroad property is only permitted with permission of the property owner or leasor.  CVRTC will assist local, State, and Federal authorities in prosecuting illegal operators of railway equipment. 

The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club is an association of railway motorcar enthusiasts dedicated to preserving motorcar history and right-of-way maintenance through active operation and stewardship.
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About CVRTC Safety Events Calendar Trail News Membership
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October Meeting at Fernald

(October 27, 2018) Due to a reschedule of the October business meeting AND very heavy rains along with all the flash flood warnings, attendance was understandably low at the October business meeting at Fernald. Instead of fixing the broken rail at Moose Point crossing, some of the work typically done at the November meeting was done this Saturday. Our usual winter preparedness drill. We don't have a photo from the meeting so here is one of the enginehouse at Fernald from 1973 near the inception of the Wolfeboro Railroad. (BDS)

Fernald Memorial Garden

(October 26, 2018) The atrocious weather this fall has prevented many of us from attending the October meeting. It was moved because of a rail event that could not be re-scheduled. An unfortunate side affect to that along with the weather was failing to allow us to see the culmination of Dave Bowles Memorial Garden project. Its beautiful. The thoughtful stonework and flowers will be there to greet us in the Spring. The board would like to thank all those members who assisted Dave with this project for the club. It was the last thing Dave did for the club before his passing. (SPM)

Milford & Bennington Railroad Run

(October 13, 2018) Steve Medlyn reports that the club had a great day on the rails at the Milford & Bennington RR Saturday. From the "feed bag" put on by the Greenfield Historical Society to all the great views to Bennington and back, it was a fun day for all. Thanks to all the participants for a safe and beautiful ride. Thank you for hosting Steve. Please pass along our gratitude to Peter and the RR. Photo credits: Will Scopa. (SPM)

In Memorial

(October 9, 2018) It is with heartfelt sadness that I bring to the membership news of the passing of Dave Bowles. Dave always made it a point to be at any important event or lend a hand with club activities. Whether it was cutting down the trees that surrounded Fernald Station, moving the clubs tractor to my house for repair, using his background as a civil engineer or using his experience with the Veterans Cemetery in helping with the CVRTC Memorial Garden. David wanted to be a part of it all. He was extremely involved with the snowmobile club and several other entities that embraced his involvement. He was very committed to anything and everything. Dave was 84. He didn't believe in slowing down and could be methodical in his explanation of his thoughts on a project. I'll miss those thoughts now. I will apprise the membership of any service and dates. Both David and Mrs. Bowles are, and have been very involved with their church. Rest in Peace David. (BDS)

September Meeting

(6 October 2018) Today was a typical fall day in central New Hampshire. It started out with a little fog, and the sun attempted to poke through. With track permit in hand, and a safety meeting, the crew headed out to work. The primary task was to dig out the flangeways at the crossings. The crew finished some cutting in Northfield, and added reflective stripes to the switch targets. In the picture, the guys have stopped in Northfield for lunch at the Tilton House of Pizza. Left to right... Tom, James, Hayden and Frank. Jon took the picture; his trackcar, the only modern Onan today, is out of view to the left. (JWM)

September Meeting

(15 September 2018) Great day for a meeting, especally when your office has four wheels and a wide open view of New Hampshire. Today's meeting was hosted by the Silver Lake Railroad; big thanks to Neil and Bruce for putting this together. To the left, Jesse's picture shows the group during our morning Safety Briefing. Bruce went over the condition of the line, and noted the one dirt crossing that operators had to pay attention to. The line had been mowed earlier this week, and we had already run a track patrol this morning! Members got to make several round-trips between the Siler Lake depot and Boulder Road. The Club will be working with the local snowmobile club to open up more of the line for trackcars. (JWM)

September Meeting

(12 September 2018) The regular monthly meeting is being held this Saturday at 10 AM at the Silver Lake Railroad which is in Madison New Hampshire, many of you probably are familiar with it. If you were not it is also on the Ossipee branch but further north. If you were new to the club with the area put this address in your GPS. 1381 Village Rd, Madison, New Hampshire 03875 (JWM)

Successful Open House at Fernald Station

(18 August 2018) We had a great day on the rails Saturday! The club had a blast hosting its Open House for the third year in a row. So many smiling faces on both young and old! Thank you to all the club members for making it a great event for those that attended. Dave did a fantastic job keeping us all in sync in a safe manner and the whole operation ran very smoothly. Thank you to the car operators, exhibit work in Fernald, release and tickets, concession and crowd control. An additional thank you to those who helped expand the food offerings, awesome! I also observed many of you in great conversations with our guests. I am sure the community appreciated our efforts so lets keep it growing. These neighbors gave us a great reason to share our passion for railroad history. The weather held for our 160+ riders, most of which were new to motorcars but on the other hand I spoke with a few people who have ridden with us for many years too! Always a fun time at CVRTC. Thank you all! (SPM)

NEGS Work Ride

(11 August 2018) We've had a busy summer on the New England Southern, including two back to back work rides. Under the threat of rain, our crew of Collin, Jim, Hayden, Clif, Frank, Tommy and Jon (behind the camera) got cutting done at milepost C21 and Noyes Rd. After lunch at the now famous Tilton House of Pizza, they trimmed around some of the old semaphore signals. (JWM)

Summertime mowing on the Cotton Valley Rail Trail

(16 July 2018) Our President and Trail Master decided to spif up the line before the July meeting. He was out after work this week mowing the line with the deck mower finishing at dusk (under Cliff's Fernald lights). The line looks good for the July meeting this Saturday. (SPM)

Family Day Meeting

(16 June 2018) Family Day at Fernald! It was a great day with fellow motorcar club members. Gator, Debbie and Bill helped us put on the feedbag! Thank you to that team for a great meal with the strawberry shortcake! Thank you to those who provided the pot lock dishes as well. Afterwards we took family rides with Bruce's A5 and the gang car along with other motorcars. We took one final ride in the mid afternoon out to Rt 16 and back. The weather was perfect with the best of company. (SPM)

Crawford Notch Excursion

(3 June 2018) Club members who volunteered at Conway Scenic Railroad last year were rewarded with a ride from Redstone to Fayban on Sunday. The weather could not have been any better! Lilli snapped a picture of the group when they stopped at the Mt Willard section house location. We'll look forward to scheduling a second excursion for later this year. (JWM)

May Meeting

(19 May 2018) Despite the best intentions of the weather forcasters trying to scare everyone away, members were greeted at Fernald by sunny blue skies. Bruce and Jon got an early start, and were soon joined by lots of other members. Jesse and Peter started worked on replacing ties in the yard, with others cleaned up inside the enginehouse, and started hanging up the wooden railroad signs that the Club had purchased. (JWM)

CVRTC attends Boy Scout New Hampshire Jamboree

(5 May 2018) Trying hard to bring in new YOUNG blood to the hobby. The Club represented Railroading in the Transportation section at the New Hampshire State Jamboree held at Loudon racetrack. The local BSA group, Daniel Webster Council, hosted the weekend event. Over 3000 scouts and leaders were in attendance and our foot traffic was pretty good. We had two cars. One was a two-stroke so the older Scouts could crank start it. Not too many takers though... LOL. Good time for the club members too! We handed out a lot of club brochures. Thanks to Bruce Stuart, Tony Aftuck, Jerry Kelley and Clif Mills for assisting. (SPM)

April Meeting at Fernald

(21 April 2018) Members met on a sunny Saturday at Fernald. Before getting started Bruce and Sean surveyed the tree work clean up. Jesse lubricated the tractor/backhoe and got it started. Peter brought a professional leaf blower to blow down the engine house and yard, Pete also did an initial assessment on the Gandy getting it running. Once it is running will we have a training class for those interested. Many members gathered for a short meeting where some painting of the engine house was discussed as well as reroofing Fernald. Also discussed was returning the Gandy back to a tie inserter again. We also learned about a possible run on the Milford-Bennington line in May. After that members set out to clear trees taken down by the contractor and clearing up all the slash. Many hands make light work. Then Sean and Dave took down the two small dead trees behind Fernald. After that Jesse went to the 109 crossing and removed material between the rail so our crossing to the west side will be easier. Clif demonstrated his work on the solar system and electric lights inside Fernald. There is enough solar to power a computer. He has movies on the former WRR 250. Many members helped with the clean up and other tasks unseen by this author. A thank you to all that came to a well attended April meeting. We had new faces as well a few old faces come back too :-). 2018 is off to a great start. (JM)

Result of Club Elections

(11 March 2018) Here are the results of the elections:
  • Bruce Stuart, President
  • Jesse Mazzie, Vice President
  • David Kotsonis, Treasurer
  • James Chadbourne, Recording Secretary
  • Dennis Heffernan, Membership Secretary
  • Leroy Tripp, Director
  • Peter Legare, Director
  • Douglas Zukowski, Director
  • Clif Mills, Director
  • Russell Hoyt, Director
  • Bruce Stuart, Trailmaster
  • Bill Catansye, Lockmaster
  • (JWM)

    Annual Business Meeting

    (10 January 2018) The board has scheduled the annual annual business meeting for: Sunday, 11 March at 10:00am. The meeting will be held at the same location as last year: Lake Shore Park, 2600 Lake Shore Road, Gilford, NH. For the Boston & Maine Railroad fans, this property was once owned by the B&M and sold lakeside cottage lots to the employees. The original ROW and Lake Shore Park depot (heavily modified) can still be easily seen. The board will be offering coffee and juice along with donuts and pastries. Please feel free to bring a baked good to share. The doors will open at 9:00 AM and the meeting will start at 10:00. The board is putting together the agenda now so please send any items that you would like to see covered. (JWM)

    See the archives for postings from 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025

    Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.
    P.O. Box 417
    Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

    ©2003 Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.